You think: "these are still words"?
While the marketing persuasion of the solutions on the market will likely have familiarized you with the concept from ideas to product in record time, none will have offered to prove the words to you. At IMAGEM TECHNOLOGY®, the spirit of competition drives us and motivates us to take a gamble that no company will ever have dared!
Also we have chosen from 2019 to make a timed representative video made without tricks or cuts (and on a low-resource board and based on a low-power Soft CPU), so that everyone can compare what we call “Revolution in Embedded development” to what they know or what they are looking for. Today this approach is made available to everyone.
Spend 3 minutes to the following video and you will get a first idea by yourself, just forgetting in the flow of development and the eco-system presented that we are talking about… Embedded!